Der AWT-100X ist Goodways leistungsstärkstes Gerät zur Reinigung von Wärmetauscherrohren und Leitungen. Das System ist luftbetrieben und daher ein Favorit in der industriellen Reinigung. Das Gerät kann mit oder ohne Wasser verwendet werden.
We use the Goodway Benelux AWT-100X tube cleaning system and GTC-721G flexible shafts for a yearly cleaning of our shell and tube heat exchangers on-site. The combination of the strong shafts and powerful AWT-100X tube cleaner ensures that the tubes can be cleaned very effectively without water.
We use the AWT-100X and RAM-4X tube cleaners of Goodway Benelux to provide boiler tube cleaning services at our customers. The combination of flex hub scrapers and nylon abrasive brushes makes for good cleaning results, even if the deposits are harder.
We rented an AWT-100X tube cleaner from Goodway Benelux to clean the fire tubes in our boilers. These are normally cleaned with a different system, but the level of fouling was too high. The AWT-100X in combination with the flex hub scraper and nylon abrasive brushes is ideal for removing (hard) deposits. We received support and service from Goodway Benelux and were able to carry out the cleaning very well. It was the first time we worked with this device.
We have multiple large evaporators with a total of over 3.000 tubes on our production plant. Goodway Benelux combined the delivery of the evaporator tube cleaning equipment with a practical training given by their two experts to our operators. It was a good session in which we learned how to use the equipment and what it could do for us. We were immediately impressed by the effectiveness and simplicity of the equipment. Our evaporator tubes can now be cleaned on a regular basis with the correct equipment.
We use the AWT-100X for cleaning a shell-tube heat exchanger. Due to the adjustable brushes, both in diameter and stiffness, this is a very efficient device.
We have purchased an AWT-100X system and accessories from Goodway Benelux for the dry cleaning of various piping in our factory. With the heavy-duty flex hub tools and brushes it is possible to remove different types of fouling. The advantage is that the system does most of the work and we ourselves have less labor and downtime.
We purchased the AWT-100X from Goodway Benelux to clean falling film evaporator tubes at one of our factories. After some initial testing we were able to clean the evaporator tubes ourselves easily and effectively. The equipment is powerful and allows us to remove (harder) fouling and/or blockages inside the tubes whenever necessary. After half a year, we have decided to purchase another AWT-100X system. This one will be used to clean our firetube boilers.
We have now had the opportunity to use the AWT-100X machine we purchased from yourselves and I am glad to say it has done a great job in a difficult environment.
We urgently needed a complete package to clean the fire tubes of our boiler installation. We have chosen the AWT-100X device + accessories which were available the same day for pickup. The system is very powerful and easy to use. With the right accessories we have been able to get our tubes clean again. We are very satisfied with the device and accessories.
After cleaning our fire tubes with high-pressure water, a lot of deposits remained inside the tubes. That is why we have opted for a mechanical technique to remove the deposits by means of rotating brushes and tools. An employee of Goodway Benelux helped us during the delivery with an explanation and demonstration. An extra advantage is that we will use less fuel to produce the same heat. The more deposits inside the tubes, the more energy it takes to make steam. We are satisfied.
We use the AWT-100X tube cleaning system as an addition to our cleaning solutions because it is not always necessary to use large machines such as a high-pressure units of 1000 bar 750 hp 260 l/minute for tube cleaning jobs. The advantage of the AWT-100X is that we can use this machine with or without water, the device does what it is supposed to do and gives us a lot of new possibilities.
We tested the AWT-100X on our falling film evaporators and our employees were immediately impressed. The device is light, easy and safe to use. After a short introduction, we were able to get started with the device on our own. In addition, the support of Goodway Benelux was very polite and well prepared. After the short test phase, the device was immediately ordered.
Leistungsstärkstes Rohrreinigungssystem
Das Rohrreinigungssystem Goodway AWT-100X ist das leistungsstärkste Gerät von Goodway, das zur effektiven Rohrreinigung von Wärmetauschern und Leitungen entwickelt wurde. Das Gerät ist mit einem robusten Luftmotor mit einer maximalen Leistung von 4 PS ausgestattet. Der AWT-100X verfügt über einen Geschwindigkeits- und Drehmomentregler, sodass Geschwindigkeit und Kraft je nach Anwendung optimal eingestellt werden können. Das System kann für nahezu jede Rohrreinigungsanwendung mit oder ohne Wasser eingesetzt werden. Dieses System ist der absolute Favorit für (schwere) Rohrreinigungsarbeiten.
Anwendungen und Verwendung
Das AWT-100X Rohrreinigungssystem wurde entwickelt, um leichte, mittlerer, und harter Verschmutzungen aus Wärmetauscherrohren und verschiedene Arten von Leitungen zu entfernen. Denken Sie an: Algen, Schlamm, Asche, Ruß und Kalk. Das System ist für unterschiedliche Rohrdurchmesser einsetzbar, meist von etwa 14-15 Millimetern und größer. Besonders interessant ist der AWT-100X für folgende Systeme/Installationen:
- Rohrbündelwärmetauscher
- Kesselfeuerrohren
- Fallstromverdampfer
- Wassergekühlte Kaltwassersätzen/Kondensatoren
- Abgaskühler
- Trockene Rohrreinigung von Produktions- und Absaugrohren
Eigenschaften AWT-100X
Das AWT-100X System wurde entwickelt, um Wärmetauscherrohre und Rohrleitungen so effektiv und effizient wie möglich zu reinigen. Das System ist daher mit verschiedenen nützlichen Funktionen ausgestattet, wie zum Beispiel:
- Ausgestattet mit einem Trolley mit 2 großen Rädern für einen einfachen und schnellen Transport vor Ort.
- Möglichkeit, Geschwindigkeit und Drehmoment zu ändern, um die ideale Einstellung für die Reinigungsanwendung zu erhalten.
- Sehr leistungsstarker Motor mit einer maximalen Leistung von 4 PS, hat eine variable Geschwindigkeit von 500-3000 Umdrehungen/Minute, geeignet für schwere Reinigungsarbeiten; wie zum Beispiel das Aufbohren verstopfter Rohre.
- Der luftbetriebene Motor ist sehr zuverlässig und bietet zusätzliche Sicherheit, insbesondere auf Industriegeländen und Fabriken.
- Das System kann mit oder ohne Wasser verwendet werden und ist auch sehr effektiv für die trockene Rohrreinigung von beispielsweise Kesselfeuerrohren.
- Für die stärkste Verbindung nur mit Gewindebürsten und Werkzeugen im Uhrzeigersinn drehen.
Spezifikationen AWT-100X
- Motorleistung: 4 PS (luftbetrieben)
- Drehzahl: 500-3000 Umdrehungen/Minute (einstellbar)
- Drehrichtung: nur im Uhrzeigersinn
- Leicht zu transportieren dank Trolley mit 2 großen Rädern
- Wasserzufuhr: mindestens 2 bar mit 7,5 Liter/Minute
- Luftbedarf: mindestens 5 BAR - 3,0 m3/min Luft, maximal 7 BAR - 3,6 m3/min Luft
- Geräusch während der Nutzung: 90 - 100 dB
- Abmessungen: 43 x 51 x 94 Zentimeter (Länge x Breite x Höhe)
- Gewicht: 25 KG (54 lbs)
Lassen Sie uns helfen!
Artikelnummer:: | AWT-100X |
Datum: 29/08/2023
We use the Goodway Benelux AWT-100X tube cleaning system and GTC-721G flexible shafts for a yearly cleaning of our shell and tube heat exchangers on-site. The combination of the strong shafts and powerful AWT-100X tube cleaner ensures that the tubes can be cleaned very effectively without water.
Datum: 16/08/2023
We use the AWT-100X and RAM-4X tube cleaners of Goodway Benelux to provide boiler tube cleaning services at our customers. The combination of flex hub scrapers and nylon abrasive brushes makes for good cleaning results, even if the deposits are harder.
Datum: 10/07/2023
We rented an AWT-100X tube cleaner from Goodway Benelux to clean the fire tubes in our boilers. These are normally cleaned with a different system, but the level of fouling was too high. The AWT-100X in combination with the flex hub scraper and nylon abrasive brushes is ideal for removing (hard) deposits. We received support and service from Goodway Benelux and were able to carry out the cleaning very well. It was the first time we worked with this device.
Datum: 07/06/2023
We have multiple large evaporators with a total of over 3.000 tubes on our production plant. Goodway Benelux combined the delivery of the evaporator tube cleaning equipment with a practical training given by their two experts to our operators. It was a good session in which we learned how to use the equipment and what it could do for us. We were immediately impressed by the effectiveness and simplicity of the equipment. Our evaporator tubes can now be cleaned on a regular basis with the correct equipment.